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Council Minutes - May 28, 2024

June 12, 2024



May 28, 2024


                Mayor Lisa Schmitt convened a meeting of the Council of the City of Grant, Nebraska in open and public session on May 28, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Grant Tribune Sentinel, the City’s designated method for giving notice, May 23, 2024, and members of the City Council and a copy of their Acknowledgment of Receipt and the Agenda are attached to these minutes.  Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were recorded while said meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

Mayor Lisa Schmitt announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act and its location.

Roll call:  Present Council members:  Bishop, Brueggeman, Sims, and Mayor Schmitt. Absent Council members: Petersen.

Others present:  City Superintendent Edward Dunn, City Clerk/Treasurer Jessie Faber, City Attorney Tawna Holmstedt, et al.

The motion was made by Brueggeman and seconded by Sims to accept the agenda as presented.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sims to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting as presented and waive the reading and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – Brueggeman & Sims. Nays – none. Abstain – Bishop. Yea – Mayor Schmitt.  Motion carried.


COMMUNICATIONS:  City Superintendent, Edward Dunn informed the Council of the upcoming board meetings, cemetery board will meet on June 11th at 5:15 p.m., City Council will meet on June 11th at 7:00 p.m., and the joint meeting of the Hastings Memorial Library and City Council will meet on June 18th at 6:00 p.m. Dunn stated that the swimming pool is open for the season and the first ball games have started for the season. Dunn gave updates, the public works employees are still working on dugouts and shade structures at the ball fields, our new public works employee will begin CDL training with Kurt Tremain in Sidney, and the street improvement project between Garfield and Sherman on 3rd street is completed and the street is open.  Dunn informed the Council that he will be attending a MEAN meeting on June 5th.



Council member, Petersen – none. Council member, Bishop – gave an update on the planning commission meeting. Council member, Brueggeman –none. Council member, Sims – none.


FINANCIALS – Acknowledged as received.







Action and Discussion on Presentation by Hometown Agency for 2024-2025 Insurance – Jeff Skeels – Jeff Skeels from Hometown Agency presented an overview of the insurance policy and changes made or options that the City could still make to the policy and answered any questions. Bishop moved to accept the 2024-2025 insurance from Hometown Agency and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Resolution No. 24-05-03, a Resolution of the City of Grant, Nebraska, to Formally Adopt the City of Grant’s Swimming Pool Personnel Manual and Further Repeal all Resolutions of Parts of Resolutions in Conflict Herewith – Discussion took place on the City of Grant’s Swimming Pool Personnel Manual.  A motion was made by Bishop to table Resolution No. 24-05-03, a Resolution of the City of Grant, Nebraska, to Formally Adopt the City of Grant’s Swimming Pool Personnel Manual and Further Repeal all Resolutions of Parts of Resolutions in Conflict Herewith to the June 11, 2024 meeting and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Action on Bills & Claims – Amazon Capital Services , supplies & traffic control – 729.88; Aurora Cooperative, fuel – 33.99; BSN Sports LLC, sports equipment – 1,209.86; Capital Business Systems, Inc., supplies – 123.60; CSC Construction, capital outlay – 124,633.95; Dutton-Lainson Company, tech support/software – 350.00; Eakes Office Solutions, supplies – 163.93; Jessie Faber, dues & training – 134.13; Grainger, shop supplies & supplies – 2,512.42; Grant Rotary Club, dues – 128.50; Heartland Security, supplies & repairs – 2,309.00; Johnson Service Company, cleaning & maintenance – 28,762.40;  Kirkpatrick Masonry LLC, supplies & repairs – 235.52; MEAN, transmission charge – 97,845.26; Midwest Electric, bad debt expense – 345.45; Mutual of Omaha, employee benefits – 90.00; Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, water note payment  – 86,878.91; Nebraska Public Health Environmental, lab & well tests – 30.00; Potts Welding Service, curb & gutter – 6,832.00; Sandhills State Bank, employee benefits – 555.00; Sargent Drilling Co., well testing  – 1,050.00;  T.C. Engineering Inc., capital outlay – 23,350.00; The Lifeguard Store, supplies – 988.98; Tripods & Tails LLC, professional services – 450.00; Utility Service Co., Inc., water tower contract – 3,175.98; American Funds, retirement –1,221.78; Nebraska Department of Revenue, sales tax – 8,066.67; United States Treasury, federal tax withholding – 3,140.55; Overtime Wages 4/28-5/11 – 177.50. Total Bills and Claims 395,525.26.


The motion was made by Bishop and seconded by Sims to approve the Bills and Claims in the amount of $395,525.26.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Bishop, Brueggeman & Sims reviewed the bills and claims prior to the meeting.


Mayor Lisa Schmitt adjourned this meeting of the Grant City Council at 8:34 P.M.




                                                                                              Lisa Schmitt, Mayor



Jessie Faber, City Clerk