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Council Minutes - June 11, 2024



June 11, 2024


                Mayor Lisa Schmitt convened a meeting of the Council of the City of Grant, Nebraska in open and public session on June 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Grant Tribune Sentinel, the City’s designated method for giving notice, June 6, 2024, and members of the City Council and a copy of their Acknowledgment of Receipt and the Agenda are attached to these minutes.  Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were recorded while said meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

Mayor Lisa Schmitt announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act and its location.

Roll call:  Present Council members:  Bishop, Brueggeman, Petersen, Sims, and Mayor Schmitt.

Others present:  City Superintendent Edward Dunn, City Clerk/Treasurer Jessie Faber, City Attorney Tawna Holmstedt, et al.

The motion was made by Bishop and seconded by Petersen to accept the agenda as presented.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Brueggeman to approve the minutes of the May 28, 2024 meeting as presented and waive the reading and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – Bishop, Brueggeman, & Sims. Nays – none. Abstain – Petersen. Motion carried.


COMMUNICATIONS:  City Superintendent, Edward Dunn informed the Council of the upcoming board meetings, the library board will meet tomorrow at 5:15 p.m., the library board and City Council will have a joint meeting on June 18th at 6:00 p.m., the tree board will meet on June 20th at 2:00 p.m., and City Council will meet June 25th at 7:00 p.m.  The City Office will be closed on June 19th to observe Juneteenth. Dunn stated that Jessie will be attending the League of Nebraska Municipalities Annual Accounting and Finance Conference on Thursday and Friday. Also Dunn stated he will be attending the Nebraska City/County Managers Association Conference June 20th & 21st. Dunn gave an update on the ball season, the dugouts are completed except for installation of new benches, ball season tournaments and swim team swim meets, he is working on lining up our annual crack seal and patching, handicap sign posts have been delivered and placed on main street and he is working on getting the signs ordered, the SCADA system will hopefully begin being install at the end of the month, repairs to the Bandshell are in progress with repairs to the stairs and painting. Dunn informed the Council we are looking for a new public works employee.  Also Dunn mentioned that the public swimming lessons were offered this week and July 22nd through the 26th.


***Public Hearing on the Bishop Subdivision Preliminary Plat at 7:10 P.M. MT***  The hearing was opened by Mayor, Schmitt at 7:10 p.m.  Discussion took place on the Bishop Preliminary Plat and the public hearing was open to public comments. 

The hearing was closed at 7:29 p.m.



Council member, Bishop – none. Council member, Brueggeman – gave an update on the cemetery board meeting. Council member, Petersen – none. Council member, Sims – none.


ENFORCEMENT, SHERIFF & WATER REPORTS – Acknowledged as received.


FINANCIALS – The financials are in process and will be reviewed at the next meeting.


PUBLIC COMMENT – Phil Calkins, Sam Sims, & Kimberly Bishop.



Action and Discussion on Resolution No. 24-05-03, a Resolution of the City of Grant, Nebraska, to Formally Adopt the City of Grant’s Swimming Pool Personnel Manual and Further Repeal all Resolutions of Parts of Resolutions in Conflict Herewith – Discussion took place on the City of Grant’s Swimming Pool Personnel Manual.  A motion was made by Bishop to approve Resolution No. 24-05-03, a Resolution of the City of Grant, Nebraska, to Formally Adopt the City of Grant’s Swimming Pool Personnel Manual and Further Repeal all Resolutions of Parts of Resolutions in Conflict Herewith and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.



Action and Discussion on Approval of the Bishop Subdivision Preliminary Plat – A motion was made by Sims to approve the Bishop Subdivision Preliminary Plat and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services Between Perkins County and the City of Grant – A motion was made by Petersen to approve the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between Perkins County and the City of Grant in the amount of $105,537.00 and authorize the Mayor to sign and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – Bishop, Petersen, & Sims. Nays – none. Abstain – Brueggeman. Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Resolution No. 24-06-01, A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Accepting Fair Parade Duties set Forth in Neb. Rev. Stat. §39-1359 – A motion was made by Bishop to approve Resolution No. 24-06-01, A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Accepting Fair Parade Duties set Forth in Neb. Rev. Stat. §39-1359 and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Discussion on Employee Compensation for FY 24-25 – Discussion took place on employee compensation for FY 24-25.  No Action Taken.


Discussion on Capital Improvement Projects for FY 24-25 and Beyond – Discussion took place on possible options for capital improvement projects for the FY 2024-2025 budget and beyond. No Action Taken.


Action on Bills & Claims – 20/20 Technologies, tech support/software – 346.70; Adams Lumber Co-Grant, supplies – 2,557.98; AFLAC, employee benefits – 202.10; Amazon Capital Services , supplies – 105.65; Arnold Pool Company, pool chemicals – 869.35; Aupperle Plumbing and Heating Inc., supplies & repairs – 2,491.00; Aurora Cooperative, fuel – 210.31; Billy Taylor, supplies & repairs – 50.12; Black Hills Energy, utilities – 192.46;  Blue Cross Blue Shield of NE, employee benefits – 7,081.81; Brittany Brott, sports equipment – 25.45; City of Grant, petty cash & utilities – 9,711.22; Cranmore Pest Control, pest control – 340.00; Deluxe Business Products, supplies – 150.10; Edward Dunn, dues & training – 222.04; Ensz Hardware, supplies – 704.84; Frenchman Valley Coop, fuel, & supplies & repairs – 1,663.14; Goff Services LLC, supplies & repairs – 700.15; Grainger, capital outlay – 1,401.74; Grant Napa, supplies – 445.95; Great Plains Communications, telephone – 1,152.24; Hatch’s Super Foods, concession supplies & supplies – 7,230.11; High Plains News, advertising – 978.50; Holmstedt Law Office, P.C., L.L.O., professional services – 3,900.00; J Bar J Landfill, tipping fees – 4,589.20; Jen’s Crafty Crafts, sports equipment – 50.50; Keith County News, dues – 88.00; Ken’s Construction LLC, contract labor – 880.00; M.C. Schaff & Associates, Inc., capital outlay – 40,219.00; Midwest Electric, O & M Charge, bad debt expense, & billing – 15,770.89; NEMO Locksmith Service, supplies repairs – 100.00; One Call Concepts, Inc., telephone – 12.34; Perfect Shine, cleaning/janitorial – 40.00; Perkins County Hospital District, dues & training – 1,638.00; Perkins County Treasurer, police contract  – 8,864.00; Pinnacle Bank/Visa, dues & training, tech support/software, postage, & supplies– 1,378.99; Potts Electric, supplies & repairs – 450.00; Potts Welding Service, supplies & repairs – 200.00; Sandhills State Bank, employee benefits – 555.00; The Hometown Agency, insurance – 87,400.00; Verizon Wireless, telephone – 251.46; W.P.C.I., dues & training – 594.00; Western Resources Group, contract labor – 390.00; Woody’s Pivot Service, LLC, supplies & repairs – 10.80; American Funds, retirement –1,554.02; Nebraska Division of Aeronautics, beacon expense & AWOS maintenance – 543.33; Nebraska Department of Revenue, state income tax withholding – 833.12; United States Treasury, federal tax withholding – 5,656.30; Overtime Wages 5/12-6/1– 795.37; Total Bills and Claims $215,597.28.


The motion was made by Brueggeman and seconded by Bishop to approve the Bills and Claims in the amount of $215,597.28.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Bishop, Brueggeman, Petersen, & Sims reviewed the bills and claims prior to the meeting.


Mayor Lisa Schmitt adjourned this meeting of the Grant City Council at 8:36 P.M.




                                                                                              Lisa Schmitt, Mayor



Jessie Faber, City Clerk